Gradient Hybrid


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The new Gradient Holster is revolutionizing the concealed carry world! Both the Gradient Minimalist and the Gradient Hybrid offer features that make concealed carrying more comfortable than ever. With our new design you are able to attach or detach all Gradient holsters from the full leather backer to find the perfect fit for any body type.


  • The Cheater bar allows for vertical adjustability that guarantees optimal contact with the wearer’s belt, providing leverage for maximum grip concealment. 
  • An adjustable retention system
  • Offered in the top handgun, and light combos currently on the market
  • Durable 0.093” Boltaron
  • Sweat guard height is optimized for comfort
  • All holsters support Optics, Suppressor height sights (0.5″), and Threaded Barrels as  standard. 
  • The multi directional built in wedge tucks the grip of your pistol up against your body to get rid of any printing issues commonly found in holsters.
  • The Gradient backer is able to be attached or detached according to the carrier’s needs and wants
  • 9 different cant/ride height options ranging from 0-15 degrees allow for the best possible concealment 
  • Portions of the leather backer have been removed to reduce the overall thickness in key areas that commonly lead to printing issues with pistol grips
  • The Gradient Hybrid is the perfect strong side carry rig 
  • Gradient Minimalist can be found here
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